What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document that establishes a community’s vision for the future and serves as a road map for achieving that vision over the next 10 to 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan acts as a policy guide providing a framework for the City’s staff and appointed/elected officials to make zoning, development, and other decisions. Whether it’s the future land use map establishing priorities for future development opportunities, placemaking in the downtown, a new street layout or corridor improvements, the plan also allows residents, businesses, property owners, and the development community to find themselves in the plan. The Comprehensive Plan is not a zoning ordinance, subdivision regulation, capital improvement program, or other regulatory document, but rather the basis for the City’s creation and maintenance of such tools which help to implement a comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan identifies priorities related to future land use, street layout, housing, commercial and industrial development, parks & recreation, and other topics that impact the City moving forward. 

  • Studies important questions like…”What type of housing is needed? Where is housing needed?”

  • Provides a Future Land Use Map describing the community’s desired future land use mix.

  • Provides a rational basis for zoning and development decisions.

  • Provides an action-oriented implementation strategy to help the City track progress, measure success, and recalibrate over time.

  • Adapts as new market trends, opportunities, and challenges arise.

What does a Comprehensive Plan contain?

The plan will contain the following sections:

  • Existing Conditions

  • Community Engagement

  • Future Land Use Plan

  • Community Objectives & Key Results

  • Implementation Matrix including Roles & Responsibilities

The specific focus areas of the Comprehensive Plan will be refined as part of the Steering Committee and Public Engagement process.

Who participates in this process?

  • Residents, Business Owners, Employees, Schools, Community Organizations, etc.

  • Steering Committee

  • City Departments

  • Planning & Zoning Commission

  • Board of Aldermen

  • Other government/quasi-governmental groups such as Perry County

Perryville 2045 Steering Committee:

Larry Riney - Mayor
Brent Buerck - City Administrator
Ray Jackson - Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector
Tim Bear - City Engineer
Chris Schemel - Planning & Zoning Commission & Park Board Member
Kris Klaus - Perryville Development Corporation
Kiley Eiland - Executive Director, Perryville Chamber of Commerce
Crystal Jones - Director, Perry County Economic Development Authority
Don Fulford - Citizens Electric Board & AMM Director
Frank Robinson - Business Owner
Carissa Stark - Business Owner
Kelly Brown - Business Owner/Realtor