Upcoming events.

Open House: Zoning Code Update
During this Open House, the community will learn about and have the opportunity to provide feedback on key changes proposed for amending Perryville’s Zoning Code and other related ordinances.
Board of Aldermen - 2nd Reading of the Final Comprehensive Plan
During this regularly scheduled public meeting, the Board of Alderman will conduct the 2nd Reading of the Final Comprehensive Plan for approval.
Board of Aldermen - 1st Reading of the Final Comprehensive Plan
The Planning Team will present the Final Comprehensive Plan document to the Perryville Board of Aldermen for Approval. This presentation will be given during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Aldermen and is open to the public.
Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing
During a Public Hearing before the Perryville Planning & Zoning Commission, the Project Team will present an overview of the Draft Plan for Adoption, and receive public comment on the document. This meeting is open to the public.
Draft Comprehensive Plan Presentation to Planning & Zoning Commission
The Planning Team will present the Draft Comprehensive Plan document to the Perryville Planning & Zoning Commission on the progress of Comprehensive Plan. This presentation will be given during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission and is open to the public.

Open House #3
The final Open House for Perryville’s Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for 3pm – 7pm on Monday, October 9th at Perry Park Center. The project is now in the Objectives & Key Results (OKR’s) and Plan Development phase. During this phase we’ll define the broad goals and associated objectives & key results that will guide the city over the next 10-20 years. Objectives are the “what” to be achieved by the community and may address things like housing, tourism, and transportation. They are the vision for what the community will look like in the future. Key Results are the “how” to achieve the Objectives. They are the measurable steps needed to achieve the objectives. The OKR’s will support implementation of the major goals/themes of the comprehensive plan. This open house will focus on presenting and gathering the community’s feedback on the OKR framework.

Open House #2
Calling all members of the Perryville community!
Do you live, work, or own a business in Perryville? Do you have thoughts about how Perryville should grow and develop over the next 10-20 years?
Attend this Open House to share your thoughts on potential future land use and development concepts visualized through maps, 3D renderings, and other imagery.
Planning & Zoning Commission Update
The Planning Team will update the Perryville Planning & Zoning Commission on the progress of Comprehensive Plan. This update will be given during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission and is open to the public.

Coffee & Connections with Perryville Chamber of Commerce
The Planning Team from PGAV Planners presented an overview of Perryville’s Comprehensive Plan to local business and community leaders during the Chamber of Commerce’s Coffee & Connections event on June 7th.
Planning & Zoning Commission Update
The Planning Team updated the Perryville Planning & Zoning Commission on the progress of Comprehensive Plan. This update was given during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission and was open to the public.

Public Open House
The Planning Team hosted a Public Open House to gather kick-off the planning process and gather initial community on a range of topics, including: Housing, Commercial Development, Industrial Development & Employment, Parks & Recreation, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Tourism. The event was a success and the community’s input provide the Planning Team with a good foundation of knowledge about the community’s priorities for Perryville’s future.
Did you miss the Public Open House, but would still like to share your input? Complete the Community Survey!